Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Case for Evolution

In Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud refers approvingly to a 19th-century German playwright, Christian Garber, who gave this advice to a would-be suicide: "We cannot fall out of this world. We are in it once and for all." That caution applies to us all: We'll eventually die, but aside from that, the world is irretrievably with us. We are stuck in the muck and glory of it all, living creatures among many, biological to the core, created by our biology no less than is a dandelion or a dolphin. We cannot fall out of it, nor is there any reason to do so. For Darwin there was "grandeur in this view of life," in which all living things are linked both by historical continuity — that is, common ancestry — and as the products of the same fundamental process: evolution...more here

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