Thursday, September 08, 2005

Guess which side George Bush is on?

A SIGN in the Natural History Museum proclaims that the dinosaur skeleton in the foyer is a century old. This is odd, because it looks much more ancient. And of course, it is. The 26-metre-long fossil remains of the Diplodocus may have been gifted to Britain in 1904, but the creature – a long-necked, long-tailed vegetarian – lived around 150 million years ago, which is bad news for creationists labouring under the biblical belief that the Earth is just 10,000 years old. While the planet spins on and the United Nations warns that the great apes will be extinct within a generation, Britain is on the brink of a major ideological battle over whether mankind came down from the trees millions of years ago, or was created by a divine force with a handful of dirt and a spare rib just a few millennia past.

Ever since Galileo was imprisoned for successfully arguing that the Earth revolved around the Sun, the question of man’s origins has been a breeding ground for scientific controversy. In the battle of the Bible against science, however, the evolutionists had always won hands down. Now, however, in America, more than a century of scientific orthodox evolutionary theory is being challenged in an evangelical fight for the souls of the nation’s children...more here

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